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9200 East 39th Street South
Derby, Kansas
(316)665-2375 or (501)908-1566

Our story...
Hello. My name is Elisha and my best half is Hank. We have recently been blessed with the ability to follow our dreams and acquire this awesome horse boarding facility. I, primarily, just want to spend all the time I can with my ponies and with anyone else's I can share time with. Hank, now has the opportunity to utilize and perform his horsemanship skills, with an wonderful place to work with troubled horses and start colts, among other things.
I did not grow up on a farm, show, or have a vast background and knowledge of horses, but I discovered these beautiful creatures about a year ago, which is another long story in itself. I rescued two to start with and fell in love. I was unable to ride them, so I rescued yet another horse, a Missouri Fox-trotter, who is my beloved trail buddy. I added another girl to my group when my daughter was unable to keep her due to military obligations. Yes, I have more than my share, but am hooked on the peace and relaxation they bring me.
Hank, on the other hand, was born with “horse” in his blood. He worked on ranches and in feed lots for over 40 years performing many facets of the beef cattle industry.
Hank attended Rocky Mountain College in Billings Montana perusing his Equine Business Degree, including equine health, nutrition, and reproduction.
In 1995, he started learning and utilizing horsemanship skills, starting colts and working with troubled horses. He attended and continues to attend clinics provided by master horsemen Joe Walters, Buck Brannaman, Dennis Reis, Trina Campbell, and the late Ray Hunt, Tom Dorrance, and Peter Campbell.
Previously, he was a member of the Nebraska Cattleman Association, American Quarter horse, and the American Paint Association.
Just a tidbit...the horses in the background are Casper and Tony, two of Hank's best buds for life.